everyONE: Focus on Economic Growth through Leadership Development at the Community Levels as an Effective Response to HIV and AIDS in Africa
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everyONE is a non-governmental organization based in Ethiopia, established in 2003. We worked on creating opportunities for economic development and personal development as a strategy to mitigate HIV and improve the lives of persons living with HIV or AIDS. Our work was based on Leadership Development Training and Coaching to empower community members in taking ownership of their destiny and going for their dreams.

To date everyONE is working in five sites around Addis Ababa focusing on vulnerable groups such as people living with handicaps, people living in severe difficulty and destitution due to Leprosy, People Living With HIV/AIDS, women surviving through prostitution, children who have lost one or both parents to AIDS, elderly men and women living without family support and more.

everyONE was named so to reflect our philosophy, which states that each and every ONE's action and contribution to society is what will make fundamental difference in the welfare of the whole. That is to say, everyONE works at the community and grass roots level creating opportunities for growth and learning for the individual members of that community.

To date, everyONE works with 62 persons as core staff as of 2004. Later on the numbers reduced, but we are proud to have started with such a strong and vibrant team. By the time we closed our doors, we had served close to 15,000 women and children as community agents and members. Of these 15,000 about 10,000 were children orphaned by AIDS, we support through tuition, tutoring and livelihood initiatives. We have close to 1,500 elderly members who were part of our team. These elderly helped us mentor the young and also share stories with grown-ups about wisdoms of life and living philosophies. The rest are members of the community associated with our organization.

everyONE chose to work with the community agents and members sharing a notion that they are staff and not beneficiaries.


Former Programs

everyONE has grown over the past six years and some of the programs have been discontinued.

everyONE's Space

everyONE's "Space" is a place for counseling, healing, therapy, and rebuilding broken souls through various means such as group therapy, individual counseling, access to someone who listens, access to self-help books, publication materials, and more. everyONE's "Space" is attended by qualified personel; social scientists, psychologist, and medical doctors to whom guests (People Living with HIV and AIDS, friends and family of persons living with HIV, or anyone who is willing to benefit from the service) can talk to freely.

everyONE's Conversations

Community and Media Dynamics, a program designed by everyONE, aims at creating a favorable environment to encourage, anchor, and sustain partnership between the community level and the Media, through radio programs supported by community interventions.

In partnership with a local radio station, everyONE is desigs a weekly radio talk-show entitled "everyONE's Conversation". It is built around community dialogue on HIV and its underlying root causes. Socio-economic, gender, cultural, spiritual, and psychological issues are raised through a story methodology. The issues are addressed through resource persons in the field. The Radio Talk Show used to air every Wednesday.


Map of Addis Ababa